Thursday, September 1, 2011

General Reflection: Term 3

In term 3, it was an extremely straight-forward term but also stressful at the same time. I shall explain why. Firstly, the topic for the term was on physics and on light reflection. Personally, this particular topic that we are learning would be the cause of this term being pretty easy and straightforward, as the topic only had very simple and few concepts that we had to learn and practice in order to tackle the worksheets and test fairly easily. However, the term was rather stressful at the same time because it had too many holidays, and although it should have been a good thing and we should be happy about it, the problem is that it only means we get to see our teacher less and therefore we would build up stress since we might be unsure of certain facts on the topic at times. However, once again I would like to compliment the teachers for their creativity and innovation of producing a set of worksheets on the topic itself that ultimately can help us to revise and answer all our questions on the topic with minimal help from teachers themselves. I found these sets of worksheets very useful as it is the thing that we can readily rely and depend on when we revise for the test and they are also pretty straightforward and easy to understand.
All these factors played a part and made this term very smooth-saling for me as I reflect back. Therefore, because of all these and with my adequate time-planning skills and positive learning attitude that I had learnt as a result of the wake-up calls of the disappointing results of previous terms, I finally obtained an extremely satisfactory result from this term's test by getting top in class with a score of 38/40. But even though I felt extremely happy and accomplished, I told myself not to get complacent and begin focusing on the end-of-year tests which would be the most important and work even harder than ever for it, if not my efforts for this entire year would be for nothing. Finally, I would simply like to thank the teachers and my friends who have helped me to finally improve from the disappointing B's to a high A1 by guiding me and answering my questions whenever I am unsure of certain facts of the topic.

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